Health and safety and fire safety are linked by the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations, and clubs are required to include fire
risk when undertaking their risk assessments.
Fire requires three components, ("the fire triangle"), fuel, heat, and oxygen. Removal of any one of the three will prevent or extinguish fire. Ensure that substances that can burn are stored
away from potential sources of ignition, naked flame, boilers, heating appliances, etc. and that smoking is controlled in areas where discarded smoking items may ignite materials or smoulder
unnoticed. Ensure that doors are kept closed to keep any fire retained within its location for as long as possible.
Remember without oxygen a fire will eventually be extinguished. Knowing areas of risk, and avoiding or controlling them, is only one requirement of fire safety. Fire must be detected early, and
personnel warned, to enable safe evacuation, and/or extinguishing. Ideally automatic heat, fire and smoke detection will provide the earliest warning but, where no detection is installed, ensure
that emphasis is placed on potential fire hazards in remote areas such as boiler houses, roof spaces and basements.
The following checklist may assist your compliance with your statutory duties:
You can download a checklist by clicking here.
Include fire safety in your Health and Safety Policy for the workplace
N.I. Federation of Clubs
c/o B7 Portview Trade Centre
310 Newtownards Road
Belfast BT4 1HE
Tel: (028) 9045 9864 E:
Helplines: 07889 800329 • 07889 681714 • 07889 800325 • 07763 835449 (North West)